As a group, the brand features an average protein content of 33% and a mean fat level of 17%. The absence of harmful ingredients is indicative of a relatively premium dog food brand. Zignature produces both kibble and canned dog foods. However, Zignature is not just using whole legumes; several of their recipes also contain a portion of Pea Flour which is a pea by-product. Therefore, its a great choice for dogs with long, flowing manes, for those with skin inflammation, and also for dogs with stiff, inflamed joints. There hasnt been a recall for any of Zignatures recipes and all of their recipes trend towards clean, low glycemic options with no known allergens or common food triggers. Zignature Select Cuts are made with meat as the first ingredient, paired with ancient grains making it high in fiber and protein. Zignature Trout & Salmon Meal Formula Dog Food 4.6 Read our 1,721 reviews This formula combines two of the healthiest fish protein sources in the world. Read our 46 reviews. Theyve banned all chicken products, a not well known but still widespread allergen, but you still have plenty of protein sources including some exotic ones for dogs with more uncommon allergies. With the other venison, we had to hand feed our dog. These fatty acids are believed to provide several health benefits to dogs, including an improvement in the condition of their skin and coat. Despite this, there is a notable variation in the nutrition offered between recipes. Zignature is suitable for dogs with sensitive stomachs and food allergies. The above foods are all common allergens for dogs with sensitivities to foods. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. All in all, I think this is a good-quality line of dog food which is a great option for adult dogs with food sensitivities or allergies. Made with high-quality Duck as the first ingredient which is high in protein. Zignature Dog Food receives the Advisors second-highest tier rating of 4 stars. We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post through our independently chosen links, which earn us a commission. Below is a chart that shows the average nutrition provided by a zignature limited ingredient dry dog food recipe. Artificial food coloring dyes are unnecessary and potentially harmful ingredients. Made with High-QualityWholesome Ingredients. Artificial Food Coloring Dyes Zignature does not use any artificial food coloring dyes. Zignature claims that its pet food formulations are physiologically tuned to the natural dietary requirement of dogs. Zignature eliminates troublesome allergens . Harmful ingredients are those which have been linked to adverse health effects. The fat level in kangaroo meat is not only low, but its also unsaturated. Select Cuts are currently available in 3 formulas. Otherwise, we would have been compelled to award this product a higher rating. Your email address will not be published. Please generate a list of current over the counter medications. The Zignature food formulas are low in carbs and have a balanced glycemic index. Zignature premium pet foods are crafted from premium ingredients that provide a physiologically tuned and nutritionally correct diet for your pets. The grain-free nature of this formula elevates its healthy quotient. Picture 1 of 3. This multi-meat recipe combines different sustainably-sourced ingredients with a spectrum of vitamins and minerals for a well-rounded food that your pet will thrive on. In general, we prefer ingredients which specify the animal source used to derive the ingredient. Zignature uses a wide range of meat and fish ingredients in its recipes. However, the majority of their recipes contain just one vegetable (peas). We hope that in the future, it will be eliminated. Note: All of Zignatures kibbles, as well as canned foods, are AAFCO-approved for all life stages. If youve struggled with allergies for a number of years, it could be a real relief to find something that doesnt make those allergies worse. 4.6. However, there are also strong supporters of grains, especially those who feed large brands like Purina Pro Plan or Royal Canin. It certainly is not the best option for dogs that need to maintain a certain weight. 4.6. Meat is the canines' simple protein they need to thrive and is part of the limited ingredient philosophy. Zignature specializes in creating hypoallergenic and low-glycemic meals that are ideal for pups that are picky eaters or with many sensitivities. Made from real turkey, this formula is ideal for pets with sensitivities to other proteins. While many pet food brands are owned by giant conglomerates like Nestle Purina or Mars, a smaller group known as Pets Global Inc owns Zignature and several other minor brands, including Fussie Cat, Essence Pet Foods, and Inception Pet Foods. They refuse to compromise quality in the name of profit and continually searches for the best ingredients. Free shipping. Your dog is going to be spoilt for choice here, as there are 8 different dry food formulas, each with a distinct and delicious flavor. 3 Report. Also, the company who made Zignature, Pets Global, Inc., is also the founder of other pet food brands such as Fussie Cat, Inception, and Essence. Crafted from a premium novel protein that is sourced from Australia Kangaroo. As you can see, the most common first ingredient in Zignature is turkey. All our formulas start with a high-quality meat, poultry, or fish. I cannot recommend this more highly ! Rufus,, I fed this food for almost two years before learning about dietary DCM. Of their 8 recipes, I have chosen what I believe to be their top 5 to include in this review. A premium quality, high-protein limited ingredient formula for dogs with food allergies. During my research, I have found no recalls for the Zignature brand to date. We've looked through all 111 Zignature ingredients and none of these ingredients were classified as controversial in our system. Although by-products are still fairly nutritious ingredients, consumers have equated them with slaughterhouse waste. Since this is a limited ingredient diet designed for dogs who are often sensitive to food or have digestive issues, there are no soy, wheat, dairy, corn, or chicken and chicken by-products included. If you check the label, the recipe also lists down sun-cured alfalfa meal and agar-agar. This makes Zignature a great choice of food for dogs with food allergies. Peas and chickpeas make up the bulk of the carb content. The recipes are balanced by using healthy carbohydrates, essential minerals, and vitamins. $63.19. Subscribe to The Advisors recall notification list. They use only quality sources of protein and other ingredients for their kibble and aims to be the number one holistic pet food company in the nation. It contains just a few products for their dietary fiber and carb content (chickpeas, peas, chickpeas flour, pea flour, alfalfa meal, and flaxseed) and some for their fat and fatty acid levels (sunflower oil and salmon oil). Plus, turkey is rich in protein, phosphorus, and riboflavin. For further reading on the controversy over animal by-products, click here. Above-average protein. Review: Based on 4,838 global ratings, this formula has an average rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. According to our research, Zignature manufactures 47 dog food recipes using 111 unique ingredients. All rights reserved, What Can I Give My Dog For Pain Relief? Sunflower oil is notable for its resistance to heat damage during cooking. There are no potentially troublesome ingredients here. It all starts with meat first, because carnivores dont hunt potatoes. How Much/Often/Long to Feed a Newborn Puppy? This offers a hypoallergenic and unique novel protein source: guinea fowl. Designed for adult pooches, the Select Cuts Trout & Salmon Meal Formula is nutritionally complete and conforms to the nutritional levels established by the AAFCO for all life stages. Its on the expensive side although, for many of you, money isnt the issue. Customers state that their dogs love the flavor and are excited for meal times with this recipe. It retains its nutrients but will weigh less and will now be more nutrient-dense compared to whole meats of the same weight. Common examples are the kangaroo, venison, trout, pork, and catfish. Zignature hasnt had a recall yet, which is partly a testament to their foods and recipes and partly that they havent been in business that long. Because it is still a limited ingredient diet, the recipe is quite short. Since taurine deficiency appears to be more common in pets consuming grain-free diets, we view its presence in this recipe as a positive addition. Zignature uses all-natural ingredients and this means that the kibble size and kibble color can vary. Ingredients: Kangaroo, kangaroo meal, chickpeas, peas, sunflower oil (preserved with citric acid), dehydrated alfalfa meal, natural flavors, flaxseed, dicalcium phosphate, salt, choline chloride, vitamins (vitamin A, acetate, vitamin D3 supplement, vitamin E supplement, niacin, dcalcium pantothenate, thiamine mononitrate, pyridoxine It could be correlation, not causation, but talk to your vet about Zignature before switching. These are great sources of carbohydrates, as they also contain fiber, protein and vitamins and minerals. Customers claim that this diet is effective for weight management. Available in 12 unique formulas. Without knowing more, its impossible to judge the quality of this ingredient. Unlike most other brands, Zignature does not focus on niche recipes, like those for puppies or senior dogs; however, they do have some for small-breed dogs with smaller kibble sizes. The carb content is still fairly high in some recipes, though, such as the Kangaroo formula, which includes more than 40% carbs. A whopping minimum of 9% protein and 5.5% fat puts this recipe far above many other wet dog food options. Sunflower oil is low in saturated fat and provides essential fatty acids which are needed for your dog's skin and coat health. Were liking the content of this recipe so far. Which means this Zignature product line contains. We use a handful of carefully selected ingredients in all Zignature Formulas to ensure a high-quality, nutritious, and delicious meal for your four-legged friend. However, for dogs that cant seem to settle digestion, it could be money well spent. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Zignatures foods are designed to be the first step in your dogs overall health. The most common 2nd ingredient is green lentil, followed by garbanzo bean, pea, and pumpkin. I think the macronutrient balance in this recipe is suitable for active dogs that exercise more than an hour a day. The sunflower meal adds a large dose of vitamin E, iron, and copper to your dogs diet, while the sunflower oil has sufficient levels of omega-6 fatty acids but a lower saturated fat content. Zignature Dog Good is a premium pet food brand focused on providing high-quality, balanced meals to dogs since 2010. chicken) and fillers in this grain free food. The first 5 ingredients typically constitute a significant portion of the recipe. In total, Zignature produces 26 different formulas, including 13 kibbles and 13 canned options. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Find the perfect formula for your pup! Of course, for me, in terms of quality, Orijen is miles ahead. To evaluate the quality of ingredients used by Zignature, we've studied all 111 ingredients. It is also blended with organic produce such as chickpeas, blueberries, peas and cranberries for a nutrient-dense meal. Sunflower oil is nutritionally similar to safflower oil. Below is a chart that shows the average nutrition provided by a zignature limited ingredient dry dog food recipe. And if your pup is a low-energy canine or with a tendency towards obesity, a low-fat diet like this is what he needs. Some dogs with food sensitivities can have an allergy to lamb, so if you notice your dog react, it may be best to try an alternative recipe. This Zssential formula contains cranberries meal and blueberries, which are very rich in antioxidants. Zignature lasts your dog about 1-2 weeks longer than 4 health. Tried fresh, human-grade food for your dog yet? Summary: A perfect blend of healthy superfoods, premium protein sources, and low-carb ingredients for a balanced meal. This combination of ingredients provides an excellent proportion of protein and fat, far above average and suitable for even the most active of dogs. Plus, there are 3 different meals here, providing extra levels of nutritious protein. Although alfalfa meal is high in plant protein (about 18%) and fiber (25%), it can be less common to find it in a dog food recipe. Lets break down each recipe and find out how your pet may finally see some improvements in severe allergies with Zignatures limited ingredient formulas. Available in 12 unique formulas. Despite this, most of Zignatures recipes are suitable for the majority of dogs, including those dogs that are more active. Zignatures dry kibbles are limited ingredient and use clean, while protein sources with plenty of options. The fourth ingredient lists peas. As the company gets older, things tend to happen, and accidents may occur. So, this is definitely a formula for dogs who like a fishy flavor to their dish. However, there has been concern in recent years over the extensive use of legumes in dog food and a link to an increased rate of Canine Heart Disease. Zignature is slightly higher in quality, in my opinion, although Kirkland does offer more variety, with options for dogs of different sizes and different life stages. The following Zignature dog food reviews are also posted on this website: The Dog Food Advisor does not accept money, gifts, samples or other incentives in exchange for special consideration in preparing our reviews. Additionally, DogFood.Guide participates in various other affiliate programs, and we sometimes get a commission from purchases made through our links. Avoiding all controversial ingredients indicates that the brand has not sacrificed quality for cost savings. is made in their production facilities across the USA, specifically in Mitchell, South Dakota, and Perham, Minnesota. They believe that good health begins with nutrition and so the foundational aspect of pet health must be in feeding your pet correctly. Our readers rely upon our dog food articles, reviews and recall alerts that we took the time to research. Smaller kibbles for a smaller bite! *all prices in this post are given approximately by looking on average at 5 of the top online retailers. The oats and millet both provide a healthy source of carbohydrates for dogs and are easier to digest than some other types of grains. Animal by-products are basically the leftover parts of the the carcass after its been processed for meat. First 5 ingredients: Turkey, Turkey Meal, Chickpeas, Peas, Pea Protein. This protein-rich formula is great for maintaining the ideal weight in dogs. You can use their Where To Buy Tool to find an authorized supplier of zignature near you. does not intend to provide veterinary advice. If your dog has a history of severe allergies that are making it difficult to lock down nutrition, Zignature may offer some relief for your furry companion. And like all legumes, theyre rich in natural fiber. Here at DogFood.Guide we have a dedicated mission to provide dog owners like you with well-researched information so they can provide the nutrition and health care towards their dogs. And lastly, this food includes chelated minerals, minerals that have been chemically attached to protein. Also, Pet Food Reviewer will sometimes provide suggestions for high-quality pet food products that will direct you to other partner sites, where we may earn a small commission. Zignature Turkey Limited Ingredient Formula Grain-Free Dry Dog Food. It also tries to make each formula short to keep it as simple as possible. [The Ultimate Guide]. Zignature Zssential Multi-Protein Formula A multi-protein formula with premium sources from turkey, salmon, lamb and duck. Provided theyve first been ground into a meal, flax seeds are also rich in soluble fiber. First 5 Ingredients: Kangaroo, Kangaroo Meal, Chickpeas, Peas, Sunflower Oil. Zignature Kangaroo Formula was selected to represent the other products in the line for detailed recipe and nutrient analysis. No more forcing them to eat something just because its your only limited ingredient option. Foods are available in wet and dry options. The recipe begins with turkey and turkey meal (a dehydrated form of turkey). Many dog food brands avoid disclosing detailed information about their testing or trials as it can often be a delicate subject with their customers. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Zignature usually includes sunflower oil and flaxseed as sources of fat for your dog. Some studies have shown a link between peas and an enlarged heart condition, possibly because of taurine levels. Plus, they are boosted with antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins that enhance the overall health of dogs. Sunflower Oil is a common vegetable oil and is heavily used in foods for human consumption. In general, we not not recommend feeding any pet foods that contain artificial dyes. The Zignature Select Cuts range features wholesome recipes that are grain-inclusive, legume-free, and with the first two ingredients consisting of animal or fish protein. However, this does mean this recipe may not be the best for dog owners looking to combat allergies or sensitivities. Sun-cured means that the alfalfa has been dried out (and is free of molds). Based on our research (FDA, AVMA, DogFoodAdvisor), Zignature has not issued any recalls of its products in the past and is, therefore, a recall-free dog food brand. The rest of the ingredients arent food products but rather supplemental nutrition to help your lil pets reach the full nutrition that the AAFCO has established for small breed dogs. It has an exceptional nutritional value because the herb is one of the richest sources of vitamins A, B12, C, D, and E. It also contains considerable amounts of protein and trace minerals. Therefore, it is especially suited to dogs with food sensitivities or allergies. In addition, you can purchase zignature products online at many of the large pet food websites like Chewy, Petflow, and Amazon. For example, ingredients such as duck fat are much better than animal fat or poultry fat. If youd like to learn more about canine nutrition, wed highly recommend you check out our Dog Food Guide for a detailed overview and discussion. Legume-free, Zignature lamb and lamb meal formula ideal for dogs sensitive to legumes. Zignature also includes salmon oil in some of their recipes, which is a great source of fat. Flaxseed is also loaded with omega-3 and 6, as well as protein and fiber, and they also have anti-inflammatory properties. I believe Zignature to be the better quality of the two, plus 4health is not as readily available, as it cannot be bought online. This is to ensure that the protein content of the food is at a viable level to mirror a canines ancestral diet. This commission supports the development of Pet Food Reviewer. A limited ingredient diet boosted with probiotics for easy digestion and optimal gut health. The rest are made up of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, heart-friendly omega fatty acids, and a natural preservative in the form of mixed tocopherols (a form of vitamin E). Moreover, Zignature uses high-quality meat sourced from the best farms all across the globe, which enriches the quality of their food. Review: Based on 1,322 global ratings, this recipe has an average rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars. Label and nutrient data below are calculated using dry matter basis. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. She and her staff are passionate about animals and work hard to provide you with a wealth of information for you and your dog. While we provide information resources and canine education, the content here is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. This distinguishes Zignature from other, Based on customer testimonials, Zignature Dog Food has excellent near five-star ratings. Guinea fowl meat is brimming with lean, low-calorie protein and essential nutrients (vitamin B6 and selenium) that protects a dog's cells from damages caused by free radicals. First 5 ingredients: Guinea Fowl, Guinea Fowl Meal, Peas, Chickpeas, Pea Flour. However, its unfortunate the company chose to include so much plant-based protein in its recipe. That means limited ingredients and meat first. First 5 ingredients: Trout, Salmon Meal, Oats, Millet, Natural Flavors. A binding agents purpose is to help hold the ingredients and components of a dog food recipe together in a uniform shape and texture. WHY 20,000+ READERS HAVE TRUSTED US FOR YEARS, Zignature Zssential Multi-Protein Formula, Zignature Select Cuts Trout & Salmon Meal Formula, 9 Best Choices for a Low Sodium Dog Food: 2023 Reviews &, 8 Best Low Protein Dog Food Brands in 2023 Reviews & Top, Best Wet Dog Food for Senior Dogs Top 3 Picks and More, Best Vet Recommended Dog Food Brands to Try This 2023 , Best Dog Food for Pitbull Puppies: Top Picks, Reviews, and, 8 Best Puppy Food for Labs and Other Large Breed Pups:, Crafted with kangaroo meat all the way from Australia, Has more vitamin B12 compared with other meats, Crafted to be hypoallergenic and low-calorie recipe, Fortified with minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants, Crafted from reliable ingredients and protein sources, Wholesome nutrition made with real turkey, Loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B12 and selenium, Proudly made in USA without potatoes, wheat, or soy, Clean recipe made from a handful of ingredients, Our Dog is 8 years old and has had food allergies forever. All of Zignatures recipes have short and limited ingredients, but its wet food line has an even shorter read for remarkably clean recipes. Since these oils are high in omega-6 fatty acids and contain no omega-3s, theyre considered less nutritious than canola or flaxseed oils. Get free dog food recall alerts sent to you by email. There are several different types of sunflower oil, some better than others. We hope that Zignature can maintain this high level of safety and quality management in the coming years to avoid any future lapses. This is another recipe which I believe is better suited to a more active dog, given the mid to high percentages of protein and fat. Home Dog Food Dog Food Brands Reviews Zignature Dog Food Review, Recalls & Ingredients Analysis in 2021, This page contains affiliate links. This is one of the few recipes that includes sources of fruit and vegetables. The third (peas) and fifth (chickpeas) ingredients provide the carbohydrates that will act as one source of energy for your furry friend. While the meat supplies your dog with much-needed animal protein, the limited ingredients eliminate potential allergens for dogs such as chicken, dairy, and beef. With more than enough choices, you should be able to find something that eases your pet's allergies while also being something they actually like. View Product. Also, while they have a range of flavors, they do not have a range of formulas to cater for different ages or sizes. If your dog is a breed at risk of an enlarged heart anyway, you may want to consider talking to your veterinarian before changing your dogs current diet to Zignature. Customers highly recommend this for dogs with sensitive stomachs and picky eaters. Mary is an advocate and lover. Although there are multiple sources of protein, this Zignature recipe has limited ingredients. Theyre formulated for all life stages so you wont find specific life stage formulas. The first is always a whole meat or fish, followed by a meat or fish meal, which can provide nearly four times more protein than the whole meat. Each of the brand's recipes are made with high-quality meats, meat meals, and low-glycemic vegetables, and without any of the artificial ingredients that owners typically like to avoid. All recipes use high-quality products with meat as the first ingredient with an 85% ratio. By eliminating common food allergens, including chicken, your dogs system can begin to heal. Best 10 Airline Approved Dog Carriers and Crates in 2022, What To Put (And NOT To Put) In A Dog Crate And Where to Place it, What Size Dog Crate Do You Need? The carbohydrate proportion comes in at 37%, which is reasonably typical for a premium brand like Zignature. In addition, kangaroo meat has high levels of zinc and iron. Zignature makes limited ingredient diets ideal for dogs with sensitive stomachs and food allergies. The Honest Kitchen Dog Food Reviewed: Pros, Cons, and Ingredient Analysis, CBD for Dog Anxiety: Top 11 Products According to a Veterinarian, The Best Probiotics For Dogs in 2022 According to a Veterinarian, The Best Cat Food for Indoor Cats: Our Top 7 Picks, CBD for Cat Anxiety: Our Top 5 Picks + Reviews, The Farmers Dog Food Reviewed: Pros, Cons, and Ingredient Analysis, Ollie Dog Food Reviewed: Pros, Cons, and Ingredient Analysis, Open Farm Cat Food Reviewed: Pros, Cons, and Ingredient Analysis, By Katelyn Son | Updated February 27, 2023. We strongly believe that laboratory or invasive testing of animals is a cruel and outdated practice. The first two ingredients are trout and salmon meal, which come from the cold waters of North-Western USA. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. At this point in the game, their record is completely clean. It is well-known thanks to its high levels of the beneficial Omega 3 Fatty Acids for a plant-based ingredient. Zignature makes limited ingredient dry dog food options meal ( a dehydrated form of turkey ) highly this. The name of profit and continually searches for the website or flaxseed oils heart. Agents purpose is to help hold the ingredients and this means that the brand has sacrificed... Loaded with omega-3 and 6, as they also contain fiber, and we sometimes get a commission vegetable and... Unique novel protein source: Guinea Fowl meal, which come from the cold waters North-Western... Understand how you use this website and this means that the alfalfa has been dried out ( and free. This distinguishes zignature from other, Based on 1,322 global ratings, this zignature recipe has an even read. Well-Rounded food that your pet will thrive on post are given approximately by looking average... 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