n-time measurement?). This summer, Melzer Morgan IV is working as a technical analyst in the Hodges Wood Products Laboratory at the NCState College of Natural Resources. Many customers seek out businesses that use sustainable materials. Non-Financial Information - NFI includes environmental effects, political situations, and social responsibilities. GHG emissions) at each step in its life cycle, including resource extraction, production, use, and waste disposal. It sets the target of cutting energy-related CO2 emissions by more than half in 2050 (compared with 2009) and ensuring that they continue to fall thereafter. For more information, visit: https://unfccc.int/process/bodies/subsidiary-bodies/sbsta- Back to Top -. British Thermal Unit - A Btu is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit under stated conditions of pressure and temperature (equal to 252 calories, 778 foot-pounds, 1,005 joules, and 0.293 watthours). Therefore, by using pooled, random, and fixed-effects models, the current study investigates the effects of electricity sourced from natural gas (ENG), renewable energy (RE), and trade in . Morgan Stanley Capital International - MSCIs research-based indexes and analytics have helped the worlds leading investors build and manage better portfolios. For more information, visit: https://ghgprotocol.org/- Back to Top -. Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice - The SBSTA is one of two permanent subsidiary bodies to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) established by the COP/CMP. EU Taxonomy - The EUtaxonomy is a classification system that lists environmentally sustainable economic activities. Various container materials have been used for investigating the stability of some contaminants, such as mercury species. F.-Q. The awards are from NASA's Hi-Rate Composite Aircraft Manufacturing (HiCAM) project, which seeks to reduce . The Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation - SFDR was implemented on March 21st, 2021. Communications will not normally exceed the length of four printed journal pages. The mass percent and theoretical capacity of the active material should be provided if the theoretical capacity of the studied material is known. (2015) A25. Gross Domestic Product - DGP is the monetary measure of a country's market value of all goods and services produced in a period of time. The GSSB works in the public interest and according to the vision and mission of GRI. A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z. Authors should ensure the following information is provided in the main manuscript or supplementary information as appropriate. International Accounting Standards Board - The IASB is an independent group of experts with an appropriate mix of recent practical experience in setting accounting standards, in preparing, auditing, or using financial reports, and in accounting education. The Protocol establishes standardized frameworks and guidance which account for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from public and private sector operations, value chains, and mitigation actions. Wood Products focuses on the properties and processing of forest products, while giving a broad perspective of the industry and its relationship to society and the environment. Then, certified renewable energy generators earn certificates for every unit of electricity they produce and can sell these along with their electricity to supply companies. This assessment helps evaluate the environmental impact of a product. 527 (2015) 375378. 2022. https://www.accountability.org/standards/, www.oecd.org/chemicalsafety/risk-management/best-available-techniques.htm, www.epa.gov/haps/initial-list-hazardous-air-pollutants-modifications, www.spglobal.com/spdji/en/indices/esg/dow-jones-sustainability-world-index/#overview, www.energystar.gov/buildings/benchmark/understand_metrics/what_eui, Update: Common Sustainability Acronyms, Abbreviations & Definitions, https://unfccc.int/process/bodies/subsidiary-bodies/apa, www.epa.gov/laws-regulations/summary-clean-air-act, www.theice.com/publicdocs/ccx/protocols/CCX_Protocol_Renewable_Energy.pdf, https://cdn.cdp.net/cdp-production/cms/guidance_docs/pdfs/000/001/540/original/CDP-ACS-full-list-of-classifications.pdf, www.epa.gov/emc/emc-continuous-emission-monitoring-systems, https://unfccc.int/process/bodies/supreme-bodies/conference-of-the-parties-cop, https://unfccc.int/process-and-meetings/the-paris-agreement/what-is-the-paris-agreement, https://unfccc.int/process-and-meetings/conferences/past-conferences/copenhagen-climate-change-conference-december-2009/copenhagen-climate-change-conference-december-2009, www.epa.gov/laws-regulations/summary-clean-water-act, www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-environment-food-rural-affairs, https://ec.europa.eu/info/departments/environment_en, www.energy.gov/eere/about-office-energy-efficiency-and-renewable-energy, www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/data/eper-the-european-pollutant-emission-register-4, https://ec.europa.eu/clima/eu-action/eu-emissions-trading-system-eu-ets_en, https://finance.ec.europa.eu/sustainable-finance/tools-and-standards/eu-taxonomy-sustainable-activities_en, www.ucsusa.org/clean-vehicles/electric-vehicles, www.oecd.org/env/tools-evaluation/extendedproducerresponsibility.htm, www.globalreporting.org/information/about-gri/governance-bodies/Global-Sustainability-Standard-Board/, www.ifrs.org/groups/international-accounting-standards-board/, www.ifrs.org/groups/international-sustainability-standards-board/, www.eia.gov/energyexplained/natural-gas/liquefied-natural-gas.php, www.epa.gov/criteria-air-pollutants/naaqs-table, https://ec.europa.eu/info/business-economy-euro/company-reporting-and-auditing/company-reporting/non-financial-reporting_en, www.energy.gov/eere/slsc/property-assessed-clean-energy-programs, https://unfccc.int/process/bodies/subsidiary-bodies/sbsta, https://sciencebasedtargets.org/about-the-science-based-targets-initiative/, www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home/sustainable-development-goals.html, https://unfccc.int/process-and-meetings/the-convention/what-is-the-united-nations-framework-convention-on-climate-change, https://www.valuereportingfoundation.org/, Sustainability Accounting Standards Board. Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design - LEED is the most widely used green building rating system in the world. Encyclopedia of Renewable and Sustainable Materials, Five Volume Set provides a comprehensive overview, covering research and development on all aspects of renewable, recyclable and sustainable materials. Its vision is a strong and prosperous America powered by clean, affordable, and secure energy. New Source Performance Standards (for Methane emissions) - The New Source Performance Standards for GHG emissions refer to the standards put into place under Section 111(b) and (d)of the Clean Air Act. Sustainable materials are a buzzword in many industries as they create fewer long-term environmental problems and lead to a healthier planet. Communications are given high visibility within the journal as they are published at the front of an issue. Paper and cardboard can likewise be recycled a few times, though not forever. Full papers contain original scientific work that has not been published previously. It can also help countries manage their energy demand during peak and low consumption hours. If incident photon-to-current efficiency (IPCE), also referred to as external quantum efficiency (EQE) measurements are performed, the results should be integrated to a resulting short circuit current that can be compared with 1 Sun AM 1.5G power conversion efficiency data. Scope 3 emissions include GHG emissions that occur due to activities from assets not owned or controlled by the company, but are still part of the companys value chain. The electrochemical performance value calculations must be clearly explained (including information on using charging or discharging values). Sustainable Materials Guidelines . This is relevant to sustainability because many agriculture companies rely on GMOs and research to sustain their company as the climate changes. All States that are Parties to the Convention are represented at the COP, at which they review the implementation of the Convention and any other legal instruments that the COP adopts and take decisions necessary to promote the effective implementation of the Convention, including institutional and administrative arrangements. CDPs Activity Classification System - In order to allocate sector-specific questions to companies, CDP has developed an Activity Classification System (CDP-ACS). Students workside-by-side with faculty in our multi-million dollar laboratories to researchcutting-edge advancements in product manufacturing and learn how to solve the real-world challenges they will encounter after graduation. Submit your article Guide for authors. Materials Chemistry; Materials Science (miscellaneous) Maternity and Midwifery; Mathematical Physics; Mathematics (miscellaneous) Mechanical Engineering; Mechanics of Materials; Media Technology; Medical and Surgical Nursing; Medical Assisting and Transcription; Medical Laboratory Technology; Medical Terminology; Medicine (miscellaneous) Metals . World Economic Forum - The WEF is comprised of political, business, cultural, and other leaders of society that are motivated to create a more sustainable and inclusive future. Students have the opportunity to observe how products are made, tour zero-landfill certified companies, experience developing just-in-time technology used to create products on demand, and visit deconstruction reclamation facilities to see what happens after a product has outlived its original intent. Soc. Net Zero Asset Managers - The NZAM initiative is a group of 273 asset managers from around the world who are dedicated to the goal of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 or sooner. Administrations have been making moves back and forth to add, remove and add again requirements specific to methane for the oil and gas industry. For more information, visit: www.epa.gov/laws-regulations/summary-clean-air-act and www.epa.gov/haps/initial-list-hazardous-air-pollutants-modifications- Back to Top -. The OECD provides a forum in which governments can work together to share experiences and seek solutions to common problems. Women's Empowerment Principles - WEP is a set of principles that offer guidance to businesses on how to promote gender equality and empowerment within the workforce. RE100 is the corporate renewable energy campaign that unites hundreds of multinational businesses in the commercial and industrial sectors that are committed to sourcing 100% of their electricity from renewable sources. Reviews and Perspectives must be high quality, authoritative, state-of-the-art accounts of the selected research field. For more information, visit: https://about.bnef.com/- Back to Top -. The guidance is targeted toward investors, banks, analysts, corporations, regulators, stock exchanges, and accounting firms. Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a9e82549bf13a8b CERs were tradable commodities that could be used by Annex 1 countries to meet their commitments under the Kyoto Protocol. Review articles normally comprise 10,000 or more words of text, together with supporting figures and tables. Sustainable Materials and Green Chemistry. The easiest way is to use a reference manager: Those examples are references to articles in scholarly journals and how they are supposed to appear in your bibliography. Global Sustainability Standards Board - Established as an independent operating entity under the auspices of GRI, the GSSB is formed of members with a broad range of expertise and experience, and who have the sole responsibility of setting globally accepted standards for sustainability reporting. RPS is a tool that places an obligation on electricity supply companies to produce a specified fraction of their electricity from renewable energy sources. Aluminum, copper and other metals recycle indefinitely. T. Crook, P.A. J. The major accomplishment of this conference was that all countries in attendanceagreed to begin reducing their emissions. For more information, visit: www.accounting.com/resources/gaap/- Back to Top -. United States Green Building Council - USBGC is a membership-based non-profit organization that promotes sustainability in building design, construction, and operation. The entire synthetic process achieves zero-waste emission due to the water solubility and recyclability of matrixes. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. It is the first international trading system for CO2 emissions in the world and has been in operation since 2005. Sustainability Accounting Standards Board - SASB is an independent standard-setting organization that develops and maintains robust reporting standards that enable businesses around the world to identify, manage and communicate financially material sustainability information to their investors. Scope SM&T acknowledges the interdisciplinary nature of scientific research on sustainable development and covers a broad and wide scope. Examples of these types of materials include: Wood: Cork floors or bamboo floors Brick: Facades or flooring Stone: Landscaping, flooring, or facades Concrete: Build on a slab, concrete walls, or floors For more information, visit: www.unglobalcompact.org/- Back to Top -. Any Reply should further the discussion presented in the original article and the Comment. For more information, visit: www.eurosif.org/policies/sfdr/- Back to Top -. As a business owner, you can take pride in the fact that sustainable materials reduce long-term problems stemming from limited resources and end-of-life disposal. For more information, visit: www.ilo.org/global/lang--en/index.htm- Back to Top -. SMART - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-Based. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. Materials are sustainable if they dont strain the environment during their production, use or disposal. It is a European regulation that impacts asset managers, banks, and fund brokers as well as drives sustainable investment. The guide will also help if for any reason you have difficulty accessing the content you want. For more information, visit: www.there100.org/- Back to Top -. The Society and its members focus on building systems, energy efficiency, indoor air quality, refrigeration, and sustainability within the industry. A sufficient number of samples should be tested, and a sufficient number of trials performed. Stand-up Zipper Pouches Market boost by Advancements in Material Science and Production Technologies. If your institution has a Read & Publish agreement in place with the Royal Society of Chemistry, APCs for gold open access publishing inSustainable Energy & Fuels may already be covered. For more information, visit: www.energy.gov/eere/about-office-energy-efficiency-and-renewable-energy- Back to Top -. US Securities and Exchange Commission - The SEC is an independent agency responsible for protecting investors, impacting the economy, and maintaining a fair and orderly market. Also known as the CMP11 referring to the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol during the eleventh session of COP20. A schematic of a highly efficient perovskite (brown layer)/silicon (white layer) tandem solar cell used in the photovoltaicphotoelectrocatalytic system. The IS0 4 standard abbreviation of Sustainable Materials and Technologies is Sustain. For more information, visit: www.energy.gov/- Back to Top -. Heating Value - HV is the amount of energy released when a fuel is burned completely. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System - NPDES is a permitting program that addresses water pollution by regulating point sources that discharge pollutants to waters of the United States. WELL is grounded in a body of medical research that explores the connection between the buildings where we spend more than 90 percent of our time, and the health and wellness of its occupants. In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles For more information, visit: www.undp.org/- Back to Top -. For more information, visit: https://accountability-framework.org/- Back to Top -. For more information, visit: www.unpri.org/pri/about-the-pri- Back to Top -. For more information, visit: https://www.valuereportingfoundation.org/- Back to Top -. Chicago Climate Exchange - The CCX was launched in 2003 as a voluntary, legally binding greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction and trading system for emission sources and offset projects in North America and Brazil. The difference between LHV and HHV is related to the fuels hydrogen content. Review articles report a detailed, balanced and authoritative current account of the selected research field. DMSEs innovations and technological breakthroughs have significantly contributed to the countrys steelmaking and semiconductor industries. Hydrogen and oxygen evolution in the photovoltaicphotoelectrocatalytic system. The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) uses GAAP as the foundation for its comprehensive set of approved accounting methods and practices. For more information, visit: www.globalreporting.org/information/about-gri/governance-bodies/Global-Sustainability-Standard-Board/- Back to Top -. This movement links environmental and economic issues to the health of communities and neighborhoods. There are three classifications of Scope: Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3. Rutgers University: What Are Sustainable Materials? AccountAbility's AA1000 Series - The AA1000 is a set of internationally recognized frameworks that help assess and improve the credibility of an organization's social, economic, and environmental reporting. Perspectives normally comprise 5,000 to 10,000 words of text, together with supporting figures and tables. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission - FERC regulates the price, terms, and conditions of power sold in interstate commerce and regulates the price, terms, and conditions of all transmission services. Click to reveal Best Available Technique - BAT refers to the available techniques which are the best for preventing or minimizing emissions and impacts on the environment. The management process allows companies to address human rights impacts. The EPBB incentive is offered only to systems smaller than 30 kW AC in California, under the California Solar Initiative. These green technologies hold the potential to help reduce aviation carbon emissions. This puzzle has two critical pieces. Dow Jones Sustainability Indices - The Dow Jones Sustainability Indices were launched in 1999 as the first global sustainability benchmarks. However, there is no legal liability for companies that fail to meet the certification process. 462 (2009) 25. The family tracks the stock performance of the world's leading companies in terms of economic, environmental, and social criteria. 10 The most popular materials are PE, PTFE (FEP or Teflon), and Pyrex (glass). 05007-GDL-P990000-SU-000001 Revision 6 . Sustainable Materials And Renewable Technologies Abbreviation 1 SMART Sustainable Materials and Renewable Technologies Material, Energy, Design Material, Energy, Design Suggest to this list Related acronyms and abbreviations Abbr. Our Sustainable Materials and Technology students graduate with options. International Organization for Standardization - ISO is an independent, non-governmental international organization with a membership of 167 national standards bodies each of which represents the stakeholders in their countries. While any pair of well-known catalysts like platinum and iridium will do the job, it has been difficult to get the voltage needed to drive the splitting reaction low enough to work with photovoltaics. Campus Box 8001 For GRESB to have data from businesses, businesses complete GRESB assessments on ESG performance of their assets and portfolios. Energy Use Intensity - EUI is a unit of measurement that describes a building's energy use. The goals are interconnected often the key to success on one will involve tackling issues more commonly associated with another. For more information, visit: www.epa.gov/climatechange/glossary.html- Back to Top -. For more information, visit: www.netzeroassetmanagers.org/- Back to Top -. Sometimes references to web sites should appear directly in the text rather than in the bibliography. Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a9e829c3e46d626 Registered charity number 207890. There are three classifications of Scope: Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3. The following guidelines are journal specific. Any level of government, industry and non-governmental organizations can run a VEP. The Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education - AASHE is the leading association for the advancement of sustainability in higher education, and they serve a full range of higher education faculty, administrators, staff, and students who are change agents and drivers of sustainability innovation. Electric Vehicle - EVs use capable battery-electric motors, which is a clean technology that is cleaner and cheaper than oil. Through its members, it brings together experts to share knowledge and develop voluntary, consensus-based, market-relevant International Standards that support innovation and provide solutions to global challenges. Technol. Not all journals organize their published articles in volumes and issues, so these fields are optional. Recycling is sustainable because it reduces both the need for virgin materials at the start of the life cycle and landfill space at the end. For more information, visit: www.iso.org/- Back to Top -. If your research funder has signed Plan S, your open access charges may be covered by your funder through December 31, 2024. Y. Wu, X. Zhang, H. Pan, W. Deng, X. Zhang, X. Zhang, J. Jie, In-situ device integration of large-area patterned organic nanowire arrays for high-performance optical sensors, Sci. Internet Explorer). This is known as the green route to open access. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. For more information, visit: www.ifrs.org/groups/international-accounting-standards-board/- Back to Top -. Because investors are interested in information related to companies sustainability-related risks and opportunities, these standards provide a baseline to help them make informed decisions. Currently, the IPCC is finishing up the Sixth Assessment Report with a Synthesis Report to be published on September 6th, 2022. Therefore, all entities that discharge water and wastewater are required to comply with the CWA. It provides a scientific platform for physicists, mathematicians, chemists, material scientists, engineers, biophysicists, biomedical engineers, tissue engineers and other technical experts to contribute innovative works and combine their different . International Integrated Reporting Council - IIRC is a global coalition of regulators, investors, companies, standard setters, the accounting profession, and NGOs. Authors should ensure the following information is provided in the main manuscript or supplementary information as appropriate. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers - ASHRAE, founded in 1894, is a global society advancing human well-being through sustainable technology for the built environment. For 75 years, the Department of Materials Science and Engineering (DMSE) at Seoul National University has been at the centre of South Koreas rapid growth as an industrial manufacturing and scientific powerhouse. International Labour Organization - A United Nations agency that sets international labour standards and promotes social protection and work opportunities for all. Our fully-accredited program provides a hands-on STEM education that challenges students to understand the trade-offs betweenand optimization ofthe three pillars of sustainability. It was established in 1984 to increase efficiency and allows the public to access corporate information that has been submitted to the SEC. Genetically Modified Organism - A GMO is an organism (animal or plant species) in which the genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques. This framework is used by global businesses, private enterprises, governments, and other public and private organizations. For more information, visit: www.wbcsd.org/- Back to Top -. Am. AI is able to accomplish this by improving energy demand, management, and operational efficiency. For more information, visit: https://redd.unfccc.int/- Back to Top -. Materials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy is an open access journal published under the SpringerOpen brand. Conference of Parties - The COP is the supreme decision-making body of the UNFCCC. There were three phases of the REDD+ program which included developing national strategies, implementing action plans, and verifying and measuring results/progress. The SBSTA carries out methodological work under the Convention, the Kyoto Protocol, and the Paris Agreement, and promotes collaboration in the field of research and systematic observation of the climate system. For authors who want to publish their article gold open access,Sustainable Energy & Fuelscharges an article processing charge (APC) of 2,500 (+ any applicable tax). This is a short guide how to format citations and the bibliography in a manuscript for Sustainable Materials and Technologies. If your business uses sustainable materials, it pays to mention it on your . Financial Stability Board - The FSB was established in April 2009, as the successor to the Financial Stability Forum (FSF), with a broadened mandate to promote financial stability. For more information, visit: www.cdsb.net- Back to Top -. As a business owner, you can take pride in the fact that sustainable materials reduce long-term problems stemming from limited resources and end-of-life disposal. When reporting electrochemical performance data, the authors must clearly state on how many experimental runs these data are based off (one-time measurement? Product Output - A finished product, made from raw materials, which is then shipped out to customers. 9.7 CiteScore. Here are examples of references for authored and edited books as well as book chapters. KERAMIDA provides Sustainability & ESG Consultingto organizations throughout the U.S. KERAMIDA is a CDP Gold Accredited Provider and GRI Certified Training Partner. CNG is said to have a lower cost and lower emissions than gasoline and diesel. Performance & security by Cloudflare. For more information, visit: www.johnsoncontrols.com/2021EEI- Back to Top -. . Sustainable Energy & Fuels publishes high quality scientific research that will drive the development of sustainable energy technologies, with a particular emphasis on innovative concepts and approaches. For more information, visit: https://unfccc.int/process/bodies/supreme-bodies/conference-of-the-parties-cop- Back to Top -. For more information, visit: https://sustainableinfrastructure.org- Back to Top -. Sustainability-driven innovation in materials science. The Paris Agreements central aim is to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change by keeping a global temperature rise this century well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5 degrees Celsius. Calculations of battery capacity must report the capacity obtained (in mAh g-1; if appropriate, volumetric values can be added in the unit of mAh cm-3) with the cycling rate and at what cycle number this capacity was obtained clearly stated. Authors and referees should note the following guidelines for articles reporting the efficiency of solar conversion devices. Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures - The FSB Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) develops voluntary, consistent climate-related financial risk disclosures for use by companies in providing information to investors, lenders, insurers, and other stakeholders. European Union Emissions Trading System - The EU ETS is the cornerstone of the EU's strategy for fighting climate change. By using DMSEs world-class expertise in basic materials science, state-of-the-art materials characterization and industrial engineering, were finding new ways to reassess existing processes and create new technologies., A high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron micrograph of a nano-sized precipitate in an aluminum alloy studied in the ERC programme. Seoul National University. The GWP represents the combined effect of the differing times these gases remain in the atmosphere and their relative effectiveness in causing radiative forcing. The series includes ways to develop, analyze, and implement sustainability initiatives and help companies improve their credibility in reporting their progress toward sustainability goals. His articles have appeared in various outlets including azcentral.com and seattlepi.com. International Energy Agency's 450 Scenario - The IEA's 450 Scenario sets out an energy pathway that is consistent with a 50% chance of meeting the goal of limiting the long-term increase in average global temperature to 2C compared with pre-industrial levels by limiting the concentration of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere to around 450 parts per million of CO2-equivalent. The signatories of the initiative agree to enact specific activities within their organization in order to achieve emissions reductions. the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in Leak Detection and Repair - LDAR has long been a requirement for industries monitoring for volatile organic compounds, but in the last decade has become an increasingly important methane reduction strategy in the oil and gas industry. Is a short guide how to format citations and the Comment Scope: Scope,! 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