386389; further cf. The development of an instrument to measure perceived social power is presented. >> Managers and staff often keep informal, non-legitimized sets of records concerning items typically of an economic and quantitative nature [] These non-legitimized records will be referred to as the informal accounting information system. Clancy/Collins (1979), p. 22; further cf. Cf. French Jr./ Raven (1959), p. 156. This scaling procedure implies a "single common factor" model (Green, 1954). Patchen (1974), p. 217. possibility of inducing. New York: Holt, Rinehart, Winston. The items generated by the author, depicted characteristics of either an influence situation in general, a particular relationship between the influencer and influencee, abilities or resources of the influencer, etc. Cf. Cf. Thus, according to this conceptualization, the extent to which agent A has control over B's behavior will depend on the magnitude of the force which he can bring to bear on B and upon B's resistance. [The manipulation check for expert power was a one item, nine point scale--"I feel that the knowledge and competence of the salesman who is being studied here is"--with end points of "slightly below average" and definitely above average." 49f. 447f. A total of 321 were used in the final analysis. A commonly cited definition is that of French and Raven (1959) and Cartwright and Zander (1968) who define influence as "a change in cognition, attitude, behavior or emotion of one person which can be attributed to another agent." That is, this power stems from the "logic," "reasoning" or importance of the communication provided by the influencing agent and independent of the communicator. Cf. Mintzberg (1983); Schneider (1978). The standard of comparison for the superiority of A can be either his knowledge or his skills, or B can try to measure it against an external standard. Cf. Reward - This results from one person's ability to compensate another for compliance. Cf. In some situations a person who has little power can emphasize his powerlessness and influence the more powerful. Some of the assumptions which underlie the Likert procedure are: (1) the concept being measured is unidimensional; (2) the intervals between adjacent responses are equal; (3) the intervals are equal across items; and (4) a "positive" direction can be determined for each item (Runkle and McGrath, 1972, p. 314). In summary, the scales for the French and Raven power bases provide reasonable levels of internal consistency. Social power is the potential for such influence to occur and is the basis for one of the most well-known frameworks for examining social influence, namely that of Raven and colleagues (French & Raven, 1959; Raven, 1965, 1992, 1993). 9 Own compilation following Yukl (2006), p. 170. Copyright 2006-2023 Scientific Research Publishing Inc. All Rights Reserved. G/b4k6:mi9.HGb> Venkatesh/ Kohli/ Zaltman (1995), pp. After the summary, the author responds to a series of questions that probe the work in greater depth, allowing explication of much of the thinking underlying and leading to publications of . Cartwright (1959) reconceptualized power not as the quotient but as "the maximum strength of the resultant force which A can set in that direction at that time" (Cartwright, 1959, p. 193). Horngren et al. While this process does not ensure a thorough sampling of the population of the social power characteristics for each power basis being measured, it is felt that the large number of initial items provides an acceptable representation of social power characteristics. 458460; Neuberger (1995), pp. An item was designated by the author as an acceptable indicator if: 1. 0000015407 00000 n When supervisors assign task-related responsibilities to subordinates and stay within the bounds of formal authority, they are more likely to be perceived as rationally following established procedures. 20, suggest that there are six bases of influence (or power) 0 can invoke in order to influence P in the manner 0 chooses: reward, coercive, expert. Note. Jum C. Nunnally, Psychometric Theory (New York: McGraw Hill Co., 1967). One possible explanation for this is the limited range in item variances which resulted for some situations. 713-5). The degree of expert power is a function of the amount of knowledge the influencee has and the degree to which the knowledge or skills of the influencer are appropriate for a given situation. psychological literature of that time, especially the experimental social psychology literature, as well as our knowledge and experiences of critical incidents in. Thus either because of societal or personal norms, the more powerful person is obligated to conform to the request of the "powerless" (e.g., a prosperous person giving money to a beggar). While an appropriate reliability level depends on the variety in item content desired and the reliability of other constructs in a given research situation, a commonly accepted reliability level for most basic psychological research is 0.70 (see Nunnally, p. 226). x \ Shepard H. 1965. Also one would expect that the situations depicting a given social power base should have the highest mean score. <> Thus while these approaches provide convenient operationalizations of social power, they do not answer issues of measurement reliability and validity. Loadings greater than 0.5 were obtained for most of these items. I did that for you, so you should feel obliged to do this for me. Raven (1992), p. 234. <> However, the "normative function" of a reference group is analogous to the reward and coercion power bases discussed above. ; Palich/Hom (1992), p. 280. Six years after proposing the original five bases of social power, in 1965, Raven included an additional social power to the list, informational power.3 This social power is used when an agent is able to influence the behavior of others because of either i) their superior ability to access information, or ii) the possession of certain . Operationalizations One method of operationalizing social power is by creating an experimental treatment situation depicting the desired social power. The item loadings were consistently high and an alpha level of over 0.80 was obtained with the first three items. function of bridging across contrasting interests enhances policy delivery Cf. These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. Thus each situation had six scores (one for each type of social power) ranging from the lowest possible (6) to the highest (30). The required time for completion of this task ranged between 15 and 20 minutes. 539f. French Jr./ Raven (1959), p. 151. Readings in Social Psychology (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1952). Raven, B. H. (1965). ABSTRACT: This paper examines how opinion-shaping political . /O 771 5. A high level of content validity for this scale was sought by generating and selecting items which represented clear theoretical constructs. Social and political power as a multifaceted concept.Top-left: The Great Hall of the People, the central state building used for legislative and ceremonial activities by the government of the People's Republic of China (PRC). For each type of power these ratings were summed across judges. Permanent Secretary. 5 types of social influence, leading to various research hypotheses, are distinguished: referent power, expert power, reward power, coercive power, and legitimate power. Cf. It is, however, important to recognize that these frameworks are tentative, being derived from developing literatures. Hirst/Baxter (1993), p. 188 (italics added). was very similar to Lewin's--"the. [Perhaps a better procedure would have been to word half the items in the negative to protect against possible response set biases. Cf. The first assumption will be addressed in the analysis section. Summary by The World of Work Project French and Raven's Forms of Power 71f. Dahl (1968), p. 409. Low and high expertise power was created by presenting the salesman as either "above average" or "excellent" on six attributes of selling ability and training. <> In most situations it is difficult to independently distinguish expert and information social power. The important aspect of construct validity remains to be tested. The influencee's underlying feelings of "oughtness" toward the compliant behavior and "has the right" toward the influencer characterize this power base. When team leaders . For a discussion of non-relational power theories cf. In this type of situation persons who have few resources in the sense of power and influence, have a "legitimate" right to influence those who are more powerful. While this cartoon method provides an alternative to the film presentation of Busch and Wilson, the need for manipulation checks remains. Subjects for this research were undergraduate accounting majors at UCLA. French Jr./ Raven (1959), p. 151. Social psychology literature defines social influence24 as the force one person (the agent) exerts on someone else (the target) to induce a change in the behaviors, attitudes, goals, and values of the target.25 Accordingly, influence occurs at the individual level of. This definition follows previous research in the field. 61f. Cf. While it is desirable to have a scale with high internal consistency, the validity of the scale is equally important. The subjects rated the following statements on a three point scale (very unlikely, somewhat likely, very likely): 1. This confounding is understandable considering the close theoretical meaning of these two types of social influence. [Kelley's "comparison function" (1952) of a reference group is consistent with this power basis. agents. Bruins (1999), p. 7; Mallalieu/Faure (1998), p. 408. Etzioni (1975), p. 3. Because this power base is often derived from many complex societal and personal values, the range of legitimate power A has over B will vary across situations. Eighty-five items were selected by the judges as acceptable indicators, 12-16 items for each type of power. Similarity in opinions and values and the desirability and goodness of being similar to the influencer were the principal identifiers of this scale. While using this approach lessens the external validity of the results, it does allow other researchers to easily and rather inexpensively test the findings.] xW]s|WS%>lcRsHul" This consists of a series of cartoons illustrating an influence situation. (1954), p. 34. 157f. 71f. . In this dissertation, the terms social influence and influence are used synonymously. Current Studies in Social Psychology (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1965), 371-382. Cf. French Jr./ Raven (1959), pp. Social power was defined as the potential for such influence (Cartwright, 1965; French & Raven, 1959). Cf. This paper develops further an approach to the analysis of social influence and power which was first presented in a joint paper with J. R. P. French, Jr. French and Raven, 1959. Darwin Cartwright and Alvin Zander, Group Dynamics (New York: Harper and Row, 1968), 266. endobj Cf. The word 'power' is used to mean potential influence--or, conversely, influence is kinetic power. March One hundred and fifty items were generated, approximately 25 for each French and Raven power type. The authors report six other influence strategies: Assertiveness includes the use of demands, orders, and deadlines. Eighty-five items were selected by the judges as acceptable indicators, 12-16 items for each type of power. This approach is quite suitable for "subjective areas where external criterion variables have not yet been identified or where the emphasis is on discovering and defining new theoretical constructs and accompanying operational measures." familiar with the French and Raven typology. 2008 Deutscher Universitts-Verlag | GWV Fachverlage GmbH, Wiesbaden, (2008). - The second panel depicted a police officer saying to the young adult, "Would you please move away form here." In this method, the influencer is presented as either being similar or dissimilar to the subject on a list of attitude topics. The bases of power. Thus either because of societal or personal norms, the more powerful person is obligated to conform to the request of the "powerless" (e.g., a prosperous person giving money to a beggar). Although the operationalizations employed in this study appeared at least on the surface, to be reasonable, the authors reported only marginal differences in referent power between the high referent-low expert and iow ref-erent-high expert conditions. One of the most widely cited analyses of social power is that proposed by John R. P. French and Bertram H. Raven in 1959. TABLE 3 ONE WAY ANOVA AND NEWMAN-KEULS TEST OF DIFFERENCES IN SOCIAL POWER SCORES ACROSS SITUATIONS In conclusion, social power and influence are important aspects of many consumer decisions. John R. P. French and Bertram Raven, "The Basis of Social Power," in D. Cartwright (ed.) the recent reforms that spawned the emergence of SpAds, but also because This consists of a series of cartoons illustrating an influence situation. endobj With reward, an increase in attraction should result and lead to a higher dependency on the influencer. Some of the assumptions which underlie the Likert procedure are: (1) the concept being measured is unidimensional; (2) the intervals between adjacent responses are equal; (3) the intervals are equal across items; and (4) a "positive" direction can be determined for each item (Runkle and McGrath, 1972, p. 314). Cf. The final situations were selected on the basis of being a clear representation of one social power type. 159168. Such checks were not presented in the Leet-Pellegrini and Rubin study. [Because of the costs associated with using actual situations, a scenario approach was utilized. The factor analysis was performed for each set of items (basis of power) across all situations. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves. As their definitions of instrumental and symbolic uses of information do not apply to informational influence strategies as defined by this research, they will not be investigated further. Martin Fishbein and Icek Ajzen, Belief, Attitude, Intention and Behavior: An Introduction to Theory and Action (Reading, Mass. In understanding family decision-making, this information might be particularly useful. Frazier/ Summers (1984), p. 47. A commonly cited definition is that of French and Raven (1959) and Cartwright and Zander (1968) who define influence as "a change in cognition, attitude, behavior or emotion of one person which can be attributed to another agent." Social power is "the potential influence of one person over another" (Cartwright and Zander, p. 316). In the present study, an experimental design was conducted in which 100 participants were asked to gain compliance from in-group and out-group members. The influencee's underlying feelings of "oughtness" toward the compliant behavior and "has the right" toward the influencer characterize this power base. endstream This study attempts to provide such a scale. ; Kipnis/Schmidt/Wilkinson (1980), p. 441. Because you felt that given you were both part of the same family, you should see eye-to-eye on these matters. It ranges from the initial work in 1959 of French and Raven through decades of follow-up work, and ties the work to that of others doing work on power bases. Weber (1922), I 16, p. 28(italics added). The degree of expert power is a function of the amount of knowledge the influencee has and the degree to which the knowledge or skills of the influencer are appropriate for a given situation. endobj In some situations a person who has little power can emphasize his powerlessness and influence the more powerful. Menon/ Varadarajan (1992), pp. 779 0 obj The research questions guiding this study include. Current Studies in Social Psychology (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1965), 371-382. Barry E. Collins and Bertram Raven, "Group Structure: Attraction, Coalitions, Communication and Power," in G. Lindsey and E. Aronson (eds.) Overview A Likert scale development format was used for this study and included the following major steps: (1) A large pool of belief statements which reflect different characteristics of a social power situation was generated; (2) Judges rated these items to select those which clearly indicate a particular type of power: (3) Influence situations were generated and judged for use as standards for scale development. For the expert situations, it was difficult to generate a situation free of informational power. Thus while these approaches provide convenient operationalizations of social power, they do not answer issues of measurement reliability and validity. Proposed translation (P.H. An example for an indirect presentation of information is an overheard conversation. Cf. Morton Deutsch and Harold Gerald, "A Study of Normative and Informational Influence Upon Individual Judgment," Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 51 (1955), 629-636. :=u 82}}^fV.NM&iJ6z/=V%.i!c:Lt+Mp%\vin)JNu~m4FrC8__JJ?#h/W_(~/kt>3r/?f!E& eErIFit\-/{ Z-8`F"}7:k|JhdUEn|v%&&[Ga6):5Cc_GOkF d&cRxT57qGm=t-i4 D nS Lx#X+\,^/}b/xb6>C^'kydo1Gn.%s+sHuxR`L#cU88Mq~*z{l=EGu|`^&o** In contrast, contingency-based research follows a more conventional view that perceives management accounting systems as a passive tool to assist managers decision-making. : Addison-Wesley, 1954). Boyle et al. Helena Leet-Pellegrini and Jeffrey Z. Rubin, "The Effects of Six Bases of Power Upon Compliance, Identification, and Internalization," Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 3 (January, 1974), 63-70. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Except for the third assumption, these requirements were met. /E 47525 Cf. reported in this paper concludes that SpAds can make an invaluable contribution << (6YD{ HK) The French and Raven conceptualization of social power and previous operationalizations of the bases of social power are reviewed. $R[tWk=s|8j3bWLo>%r6&Pqq8FW. Raven, B. H. Social influence and power. the fracture points to be overcome in the process of policy delivery is 12f. This definition takes over the semantic meaning of the verb to use, i.e., [] to employ for a purpose; put into action or service. Longman (1987), p. 1161. ; Frazier/Summers (1984), p. 45; Kipnis/Schmidt/Wilkinson (1980), p. 447. Cf. Since efforts were taken to encourage responsible participation by the subjects and no response patterns were observed in the data, it is felt that the procedure used is acceptable.]. government community. The 1975 edition contains the same theory, but extends it by research and arguments that emerged in reaction to the original publication. Ansari/ Euske (1987), p. 551. Specifically it will review the French and Raven conceptualization of social power, previous operationalizations and then present the development of an instrument to operationalize social power. The major guidelines for using this program in a uni-factor solution include: Items should be written to measure a well-defined construct; the number of cases should be at least three times the number of items; and the data should be multivariate normal and homoscedastic. 08-Levi.qxd 1/22/2007 12:54 PM Page 131. of punishment by team leaders. (French & Raven, 1959). As the knowledge enhancing and the affective use of information are not relevant to influence strategies as defined by this research, they are not investigated further. Another perspective on the measurement of social power is provided by Raven, Centers and Rodrigues (1975). The capability to bridge the tensions between ministerial However the best alpha level which could be obtained with items having an estimated communality greater than 0.35 was 0.59. Some of this . <> (1996), p. 465. Kelman (1961), pp. and pp. One hundred and fifty items were generated, approximately 25 for each French and Raven power type. In this dissertation, the terms social influence and influence are used synonymously. endstream @pn j+Cn#jP:9\oQaK|!3y\1'IN m;1c>=>_[n}zG^8g pF|v Kipnis/ Schmidt/ Wilkinson (1980), p. 443. (1998), p. 537. 2.) A judge could designate the item to represent more than one power type. >> As expected, the items dealing with the "logic," "good reasoning" and "sense" of the influencer's message are the best items for the information scale. Jum C. Nunnally, Psychometric Theory (New York: McGraw Hill Co., 1967). Cf. Since the same item generation and judging procedures were used for this SP scale as the others, it is believed that the items are indicative of legitimate power and that the lower alpha levels for this scale are primarily due to the limited array of situations used here. Since the procedures used in generating and judging the scale item were the same for all the scales, it is felt that the items for legitimate power will have acceptable internal consistency in most legitimate power situations. >> endobj RESULTS This section will first briefly review the overall "goodness of fit" for the uni-factor scales. One paradoxical type of legitimate influence is that of the "dependent" and "powerless." Sandner (1992), p. 18; Hinkin/Schriesheim (1990), pp. This approach is quite suitable for "subjective areas where external criterion variables have not yet been identified or where the emphasis is on discovering and defining new theoretical constructs and accompanying operational measures." Also, the use of a panel of trained judges to screen the test items, and the "face" validity of the scale items suggest that the social power scales have an acceptable level of content validity. /Filter/FlateDecode >> to policy delivery by acting as a bridge between Secretary of State and 777 0 obj An area of interest to attitude change researchers which might provide evidence for construct validity would be a comparison of the SP scales with the social influence components of the extended Fishbein model (Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975). ), Studies in social power(pp. 782 0 obj Venkatesh/ Kohli/ Zaltman (1995), p. 72. The lower reliability for the legitimate power scale appears to be the result of the situations used in this study. <> 74f. administrative traditions greatly influence SpAds tasks; arrangements with the Items with high discriminating power are selected for the final form. This was necessary to ensure that the later scale results could be validated with a known situation treatment (i.e., the "expertise" power score would be highest in the expertise situations.) New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965. 163f. Social influence is defined as ' change in the belief, attitude, or behavior of a person (the target of influence), which results from the action of another person (an influencing agent) ', and social power as the potential for such influence. The authors do not include sanctions and blocking arguing that they are mere reactions on past events and cannot be classified as proactive influence strategies. From this one might suggest that either the concept of referent power, the method of operationalization, or the manipulation check measures be revised. The social influence of person A over person B was defined in terms of the force A could bring to bear on B and the resistance B could offer. 191f. The required time for completion of this task ranged between 15 and 20 minutes. Sandner (1992), p. 18. Busch and Wilson (1976) employed this method in a study on the effect of life insurance salesmen's expert and referent bases of social power on subject's trust in the salesman, overall attitude toward life insurance and several behavioral measures. Often, reward and coercion are viewed as opposite ends of a one-dimensional concept. In response to new theoretical conceptualizations (Raven, 1992, 1993), an instrument was developed to measure 11 bases of power, the original 6 French and Raven (1959; Raven, 1965) bases of power, with 3 of these further differentiated: reward (personal, impersonal), coercion (personal. A higher dependency on the measurement of social power is presented as either similar... An example for an indirect presentation of Busch and Wilson, the validity of the situations used this! 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Radiation Safety Certification Course, Articles S